Taken from Personal Finance

A study conducted by the high performance business training firm Alto Desempeño Empresarial, reveals that 20% of salespeople make 80% of all sales and their income is 10 to 1 higher than the overall average.This reality is disturbing since most of the sales force does not achieve any results.Why is it that most of the sales force does not achieve their goals?.Harvard Business Review magazine evaluated the main mistakes of sales representatives from the buyer’s point of view.

The results were that 26% of salespeople do not follow the buyer’s purchasing procedure, 18% do not pay attention to the customer’s needs, 17% do not follow up on outstanding issues, 12% push the product excessively, are aggressive or disrespectful, 10% do not adequately explain solutions, 6% talk about their product exaggeratedly or incorrectly, 4% do not understand the customer’s business, 3% act too intimately with the customer, 2% do not know or respect the competition, and 2% others 2%.

Sales require precision and knowledge of the entire sales process, says Sergio Muñoz, dean of the Marketing and Advertising faculty of the Universidad Politécnico Gran Colombiano.

FinanzasPersonales.com.co tells you which are the most common mistakes:

1. Distraction and indifference. If you fail to identify your client’s needs, it will be difficult to close a deal. By means of a good study or an excellent observation you will be able to identify what your client is looking for and needs. This makes it easier for you to present an appropriate offer.

2. Talk about what does not concern. While it is good to create empathy with the customer to generate a familiar conversation, it is not good to extend yourself. Taking too long is wasting valuable time to learn as much about the customer and your company as it takes to offer the product.

3. Lack of material. Not having the necessary material for the sale (brochures, audiovisual aids, budgets, cards…) is not being prepared and gives the image of unprofessionalism, improvisation and lack of interest.

4. Lack of tact. At no time should the customer feel belittled, ignored or assaulted by the seller. The right attitude is to make the customer feel comfortable, secure and respected. Being friendly generates empathy, trust and eases tensions. Even if your product is good and the price is reasonable, a lack of tact can lead to losing a sale.

5. Not asking for references. Once the sale is over, ask your customer if he knows of anyone who is interested in your product or offer. They will be willing to recommend you if they received good service. Therein lies the opportunity to obtain additional sales. The expert believes that Colombians are reluctant to give contacts due to distrust and fear of privacy, however, he does not rule out its benefits.

6. Ignoring any of the participants in the conversation. Focusing your attention on one person and ignoring the rest of the participants can be a serious mistake. It is never clear who is really making the decision in the group or who is influencing it. Maintain eye contact with everyone and direct your words and explanations to the group. No one should feel left out.

7. A bad impression. You only have a few seconds to make the right impression, so not making a good impression can ruin a sale. Be polite, smile and shake hands. Watch your nonverbal communication, your dress and intonation.

8. Do not argue. If you do not know what you are selling, you will not be able to explain or answer your customer’s questions. Your lack of knowledge will give the impression of insecurity and uncertainty. Prepare and train an argumentation speech. If you know what you sell, you will be able to answer any question correctly. You will be able to increase the sales closings according to the approach you make.

9. Ask closed questions. Questions are an opportunity to initiate and build a relationship with your customer because they allow you to get to know him and offer what he wants.

10. Unpunctuality. This mistake damages business and can mean the loss of customers. Arriving early gives an image of professionalism, seriousness and formality.

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