The use of expansion joints for stress relief in a piping system, due to thermal expansion, should be done according to the types of joints available in the market.

In some piping systems the projected movements, force values and moments in equipment nozzles are in one or two planes, which makes that a single joint does not solve the system and two or more joints must be installed. The possible combinations should be applied according to the behavior and analysis of the system.

Systems in which more than one joint is required:

Lateral movement in one plane.

Two planes lateral motion

Discharge Connection and/or Turbines extraction.

This set of three gaskets is installed to prevent the turbine nozzle from receiving loads (forces and moments) above the admissible values given by the turbine manufacturer.

The gasket combinations must be made according to the pipe behavior, supported by a previous study or technical recommendation made by an expert manufacturer. The system of two or more joints has calculation memories which guarantee an optimal operation, involving the spring constants of the bellows, calculations according to EJMA, and displacements due to thermal expansions and loads of the system.

We provide technical advice and support in the selection and installation of these systems, mostly accompanied by a flexibility analysis; a previous study of these systems avoids cost overruns at the time of joint selection, unnecessary quantities and future failures.



Address: Av. Cra 40 No 20A-53
Phone Number: (57) 6012690950
Sales: (57) 3124292484
Business Days Schedule: 7:00 – 17:30


(57) 3106963487
Business Days Schedule: 7:00 – 17:30

(57) 3104800919
Business Days Schedule: 7:00 – 17:30

(57) 3105764741
Business Days Schedule: 7:00 – 17:30

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