
1111, 2022

Strategies and guidance on assembly of bolted flanged gaskets according to ASME PCC-1

November 11, 2022|

Stud Gasket Assembly Studded gaskets are a set of two mechanical assemblies consisting of two flanges, fasteners (studs, nuts and washers) and a gasket in between. They are designed to house or allow the transport of a service fluid in a pipe or vessel, ensuring the tightness of the system. In their most practical form, flanges allow the connection of pipes with equipment (pumps, heat exchangers, tanks, etc.) or fittings (elbows, valves, etc.).

2510, 2022

Vibration control accessories Lisega – Vicoda

October 25, 2022|

Spring anti-vibration mounts are used to isolate mechanical vibration in power plants on equipment such as turbines, pumps, blowers, coal mills, etc., or large machines such as presses, forging hammers, crushers and the like.

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