Pipe Stress Analysis for pipelines is a numerical method, which determines how a piping system behaves as a function of its material, considering operating factors such as pressure, temperature and fluid. Its objective is to quantify the stresses caused by thermal expansion taking into account the weight of the pipe itself and the fittings involved.

Flexibility studies accurately calculate the internal stress of the pipe and the forces and moments generated by the system towards the supporting structure and the interacting equipment. The internal stresses of a static pipe flexibility analysis are compared with the maximum allowable stresses of the pipe material; the forces and moments generated by the system are compared with the standard values governing the equipment connections and for the calculation of the support structure.

By guaranteeing optimum operating conditions, we also ensure the integrity of the people who interact with the system, the conservation of the company’s physical elements and mitigate environmental damage.

Our wide knowledge in expansion joints, constant and variable load spring supports, low friction coefficient supports, special design rigid supports with movement restrictions, etc, make our flexibility analysis studies functional and adjusted to the needs of our customers. It also allows us to provide technical support and accompaniment during the installation and commissioning process of the piping systems analyzed. We have extensive experience in static analysis of flexibility for piping in thermoelectric plants, sugar mills, distilleries, textile, steel and chemical plants.

Programs such as CAESAR II and ALGOR PIPEPAK are used for pipe flexibility analysis; these softwares are based on ASME B31.1 standards for power piping, ASME B31.3 for process piping, ASME B31.4 for hydrocarbon transport systems and ASME B31.8 for gas transport and distribution systems. As a complement, standards such as EJMA (Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association), NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association), API (American Petroleum Institute), MSS (Manufacturers Standardization Society) and FSA (Fluid Sealing Association) are used.

In addition to this type of studies, we also perform inspection and diagnosis of rigid and flexible supports for power plants, sugar mills, refineries and paper mills.

Static analysis of pipe flexibility

Engineering services

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